Monday, October 1, 2012

Romney Does Not Have the Right to Dismiss US

The reason we have gone from 6 to 7% of the population receiving Gov aide in the 1960s to present day 35% (these #s exclude ss and medicare) is because it benefits those that buy votes from the ever increasing poor. Government and mostly Democrats have subsidized poverty and predictably it has grown and so has the dependence of the poor on redistributed fruits of some hard workers labor delivered to them by their master.

Blah blah blah spoken like a true red blooded narrow minded greedy self rightous Republican, Pass the Ammunition and Praise the Lord, God Bless Amercia, We Can't keep Kicking the Can, lets's just take these welfare receiptis out and ship them back to Africa or Mexico or where ever, that would solve the problem right?

the reason we have more poor people on government assistance is because there are more people and fewer jobs, higher costs for food, housing and transportation, fewer people with job skills for the new high tech and engineering jobs, inflation etc etc etc the list goes on...but yes there are some people that got caught up in the vicious cycle of entitlement, but that is not the majority. I get sick and tired of people that think like you and are such selfish mean spirited hateful far rigtht moralistic better than everybody else jerks, same way Romeny really thinks, he hates anybody that is not rich and thinks he is better than everbody else. I know this because I grew up in a Republican culture that thinks that way and I'm fed up listening to this BS...

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