Saturday, May 25, 2024

Michael Saylor lecture very clear very concise presentation understanding Bitcoin:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Sinister Face Of 'Neutrality' | FRONTLINE | PBS

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Switzerland's reputation as a neutral safe-haven during World War 11 has been badly tarnished by recent revelations about its wartime transactions with Germany. What began as an examination of the dormant bank accounts of Holocaust victims has gained momentum to include the whole gamut of Swiss financial dealings with the Nazis. In recent months a vast amount of incriminating documentation has been unearthed that reveals the sinister side of Swiss "neutrality".
Switzerland served as a repository for Jewish capital smuggled out of Nazi Germany and the states threatened by it, and also for vast quantities of gold and other valuables plundered from Jews and others all over Europe. Right up until the end of the war, Switzerland laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in stolen assets, including gold taken from the central banks of German-occupied Europe. At the war's end Switzerland successfully resisted Allied calls to restitute these funds, and in the Washington Agreement of 1946 the Allies contented themselves with acceptance of a mere 12% of the stolen gold. Holocaust survivors and the heirs of those who perished met an implacable wall of bureaucracy and only a handful managed to reclaim their assets. See the full story in headline link above.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Keep IRA Distribution Income Taxes Low and Pay NO Tax on Social Security

Once you start taking Social Security (as a single filer), if you can keep your income below $25K you won't pay any taxes on your SS benefits:

Also, IRA distributions are not subject to FICA taxes only income tax; Money taken out of traditional individual retirement accounts or IRAs is considered taxable income, but is not subject to FICA because those funds are contributed after FICA has been deducted by an employer or paid through self-employment tax:

From the Social Security site; Benefits Planner: Income Taxes And Your Social Security Benefits:

Also Note: For a self-employed person contributing to his or her own SEP IRA, contributions are deducted as an adjustment to income on Form 1040 line 28. SEP contributions reduce a person's adjusted gross income, reduce taxable income, and thereby reduce the federal income tax. SEP IRAs do not impact the calculation of the self-employment tax, since the self-employment tax is calculated before SEP contributions are calculated:

Other important Tax Lowering factors; How do I figure my EIC or Earned Income Credit? 
Who qualifies?
Many people think the credit is available only to parents. It's not. But the amount the Internal Revenue Service will give back is greater for eligible low-wage taxpayers with children.

For current year returns, the maximum credit can be as much as $6,242 for workers supporting three or more children. A worker with one child can get up to $3,359 with the credit. And $503 is available to a childless eligible employee. The amount is adjusted slightly for inflation each year.

To qualify for the credit, a taxpayer must have earned income, but stay within certain thresholds.

A single filer's adjusted gross income must be less than $14,820 if he or she has no children; $39,131 with one child; $44,454 with two children; and $47,747 with three or more children. For Married couples filing jointly your adjusted gross income must be less than $20,330 if he or she has no children; $44,651 with one child; $49,974 with two children; and $53,267 with three or more children.

If your AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) is equal to or more than the applicable limit listed above, you cannot claim the EIC:

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Undercover Asia- Manila’s Secret Abortionists

Because of thier stupid religious beliefs in the Philippines, women who get abortions (all of which are illegal) and have complications often die and bleed to death:
Undercover Asia- Manila's Secret Abortionists from Pearl Forss on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

16 million children living in poverty in America

There are 16 million children living in poverty in America many who are homeless who stay in cheap motels or sleep in cars and have to use the restroom at a gas station to wash up for school, and the 40% of Americans who make less than the 1968 minimum wage (inflation adjusted). 85% of the wealth in the stock and financial markets is owned by 10% of the population (federal reserve board of consumer finances stats). When are we going to do something about Greedy Corporate America who is getting rich off of Obamacare, for-profit hospital, drug and for-profit insurance companies as the costs continue to rise. Today, 6.9 million fewer Americans are working or looking for work many of which are discouraged workers who have given up looking for a decent job. This drop accounts for virtually the entire reduction of the unemployment rate since 2009 because those not looking for work do not count as unemployed.
Now over 40% of Americans make less than the 1968 minimum wage (inflation adjusted). Low-wage Americans are not the only workers affected by stagnant wages and rising inequality. The middle class has also experienced stagnating hourly wages over the last generation, and even those with college degrees have seen no pay growth over the last 10 years. With wage stagnation the last 10-15 years, and so many only able to find low wage part time jobs, rents have doubled the last 10-15 years (4.8 million households receive Section 8 housing assistance as of 2008) not to mention food inflation (Between 2000 and 2011, the number of SNAP participants grew 171 percent to reach about 47 million people, roughly 14 percent of the population). But I guess Obama is too busy giving lectures on Religious History, Political Correctness, acting like an imam preaching to Americans leading "Terrorist Sensitivity" training, giving "Citizen Rights" and tax benefits to foreigners who sneak into America and thinking up new ways to piss off Republicans and Christians than to worry about economic facts. I say, Obama supporters who refuse to criticize him either suffer from bias blindness or they're a cult member, and I haven't seen the man walk on water yet... and if you dare question the President's policy on immigration or why he says stupid shiite like "Christian's should come down off thier high horses" regarding Islam (right after ISIS burned a man alive), your head is bitten off by the left and you are called racist and a bigot which is total BS. What a bunch of Politically Correct Lunatics we have running the country trying to brain wash the American public...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

6000 killed by Muslim Insurgency In Southern Thailand Rages, Ignored By Outside World

I am critical of most all religions and live in a country that is 95% Buddhist for the last 10 years. Islam in Thailand is not only in a war against the "Infidel" but against other Muslims and Buddhist. Just here alone in Southern Thailand during the last 10 years over 6000 have been killed by terrorists fighting in the name this "religion" on a scale equivalent to Gaza (the world sure doesn't see the Buddhists raising hell ever night on the news like the Palestinians, and I haven't seen any Buddhists burning people alive or beheading anyone). Why don't so called "moderate progressive" Muslims direct thier rage at the Muslims who kill Muslims and the "Infidel" and the racist concept of "Infidel" and the abominations of sharia law that still upholds the death penalty for apostasy, blasphemy, infidelity, and how women are treated as property and on and on and on with your cult of "1/4 of the world's population". So please with all due respect, why don't you so called "moderate progressive" Muslims take your righteous indignation and do something positive to rid the world of this scourge you call religion (like write a new Quran at least the Christians have a New Testament) and change it into something for good (if that's possible)...
Red Light Jihad: Thai vice under attack from GlobalPost on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Queen's Sikirit Hospital Thailand Built by US Taxpayer

This post from from Sept 2010: Queen's Sikirit Hospital: the US Taxpayer paid for and BUILT the hospital back in the 1960s.....the Thai King thought it would be a good idea for Thais and so did the US Navy. All part of USA Vietnam expenditures. The next time any one wants to rag on the US.
It would be a good call if you're near Pattaya to grab a bus, taxi, or motorbike and head down there to
suss it out before any emergency befalls them. You basically get to Sattahip, veer left and 10 kms later....yeah, at Queen's Sikirit. All white.
There are short cuts, but I'll let you find them....
UTapao? Yes...US. Udon Thani, Takli, Ubon Ratachani? Yes, all US taxpayer....all bases in which to bomb Vietnam.
All Thai infrastructure was built and paid for by the US taxpayer....The USA was deathly afraid of the Domino Effect and that Thailand would "go Red." Read the history of the "Village Scouts" if at all interested in this topic.
As Noam Chomsky would write about USA & Vietnam: true, USA lost the Vietnam War, but won the REGIONAL War.
Medical in SE Asia?
My fave hospital is Apollo Hospital in Chennai, India.
Google this surgeon:
Dr. Vijay Bose, Apollo Hospital, Chennai, India.
Over 110k articles on the guy. Amazing doc.
I had both my knees replaced by Dr. Bose...$7500 USD per knee, or $15k all in. Two knees in USA would run me $150k.
Fook! Do the math. If I had any US Insurance, my co-pay would be $30k USD.
Bose is also the leading world guy on hip resurfacing. In USA, they opt for an expensive and debilitating hip replacement.
Resurfacing means you walk that day and the hip resurface job is about $6-7k USD.
I met many THAIS in India that flew over to see Dr. Bose. I asked about Bumrungrad? "Paeng mak!"(Too expensive.)
Yeah, my twin knees would've cost me $28k at Bumrungrad in Bangkok
The tough part about going to India? It sucks.
Not the hospital. Not the pre-op, but the post-op. Hotels are hideously expensive.
Ya gotta suss out when you can fly back to Prathet Thai for recovery as DVT (deep vein thrombosis) is a very real post-op maladay.
I'm 60 years old and have done 4 surgeries at Apollo Hospital and saved $325,000 USD over USA hospital prices.
If Goldman Sachs and other robber barons do not sink the USA, the AMA will!
Best orthopod on the planet. Top student

An inguinal hernia can be repaired through open surgery or laparoscopic surgery, according to the National Guideline Clearinghouse[2] . A recent study[3] of more than 1.5 million hernia operations found that the average cost for an open hernia surgery ranged between $4,200 and $6,200.
How much you can expect to pay out of pocket for hernia repair, including what people paid in 2014. About 70 percent of hernias occur in the groin, which is called an inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia can...
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Monday, October 20, 2014

Denial of Epistemology Brainwashed Through Cultural Determinism; Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris Debate Afterlife with Jewish Rabbis

It's impossible for these religious talking heads to have a rational argument because thier fundamental premise is based on fantasy and categorically wrong in denial of epistemology (not being honest to themselves brainwashed through cultural determinism), moreover believing if they keep talking long enough that somehow thier positions will become valid.

I don't see how Hitch and Harris sat through this discussion listening to the convoluted logic of these 2 pseudo intellectual religious talking heads, exhausting and hard to watch, Oy Vey... and this David Wolpe is nothing more than a sarcastic ego maniacal twit with a silly smirk on his face in the end.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

60 Minutes Report on Disability Fraud and Senator Tom Coburn

Now I couldn't even work a full time job at age 60 with my back condition if I could find one, and then the SS admin would not even allow me to apply for disability. I didn't even think about applying until a year after my injury when I realized I was not going to heal. And I have paid into the system since my first job at age 14 and working full time since 1978, while 100's of thousands commit fraud getting disability through corrupt lawyers and doctors, and I have a legitimate case as my degenerative disc disease is on the list of qualified conditions approved for disability. See the 60 Minutes report on this fraud, very good report here is the full video link:

But because I didn't apply immediately (and worked in Bangkok for 2 years) and spent a year trying to heal, they wouldn't even allow me to apply, how big of an injustice is this? I've never been on food stamps or any kind of government assistance and this disability program is basically like just getting my SS early the way I understand it. But people think you're a lazy bum and a "taker" if you're on disability even though it's a legitimate program that we pay for through our taxes like unemployment insurance. And I've paid my share of taxes being self employed for so many years having to pay a double hit on FICA.

For almost 6 months I could only carry a single bottle of water and a small amount of food while I am alone trying to taking care of my self after this back injury, in bed 80% of the day going to PT 3 times a week (now I still have to spend half the day resting in bed). I've spent almost half of my life savings in 3 years on medical and physical therapy bills, living expenses and loses from a few bad investments and I could really use this money but they won't even allow me to apply. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Free Online Live TV Sites, almost like Free Cable

Free live CNN, MSNBC, Toon's (switches to HBO Friday for Real Time, and other live stream entertainment channels weekdays): drop down menu for live video:
Other free live streaming TV sites: (if you're an expat and live outside the US it works sometimes)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Golf Courses Near Pattaya Thailand

I can help you arrange transport and book directly to save money instead of using package golf tours that are expensive:
Golf Courses in the Pattaya Area, Chonburi Province
Other Eastern Seaboard Provinces   Maps of Pattaya Area

Asia Pattaya Hotel
Pratamnak Road Soi 4 (between South Pattaya and Jomtien Beach)
9-hole golf course

Bangpra International Golf Club
45 Moo 6, Bangpra, Sri Racha district (45 minutes north of Pattaya)
Tel. 038-341 149/ 50, 038-341 405.
18 holes, par 72, 7209 yards
Designed by Japan Golf Promotion Co. Ltd.
Green fee: 900-1,800 Baht (weekdays), 1,200-2,800 Baht (weekends)
Caddy fee 300 Baht/18 holes, 200 Baht/9 holes
Originally opened in 1958 and set amongst lush jungle covered hills, this golf course has been redesigned in 1987 and features natural hazards such as trees, ponds and lakes flanking many of the fast greens, and spectacular yet often difficult holes.

Burapha Golf Club
Sri Racha district, 30 km northeast of Pattaya.
Tel. 038-372 700.
36 holes, par 144
Designed by David Graham and Gary Panks.
Green fee: 2,200 Baht (weekdays), 2,700 Baht (weekends, holidays). Caddy fee 350 Baht.
Exquisitely located in Sri Racha's rolling countryside and set in a skillfully landscaped tropical environment, Burapha golf club has been specially designed and created to evoke the elegance and traditions of the great American clubs. It features two 18-hole golf courses and world-class facilities.

Chonburi Century Country Club
Highway 331 Km 72, Ban Bung, Chonburi. Tel. 081-304-1545.
18 holes, par 72, 6991 yards
Designed by Robert Macfarland.
Green fee: 100 Baht (weekdays), 400 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 200 Baht.
Developed on a hilly green country, this golf course is usually not very crowded and offers great value for money.

Crystal Bay Golf Club
502 Moo 10, Bangpra, Sri Racha district. Tel. 038-349 370/81
27 holes, par 108
Designed by Thai Taneeka.
Green fee (visitors): 2,000 Baht/weekdays, 2,500 Baht/weekends

Khao Kheow Country Club
220 Moo 12, Sri Racha (near Khai Kheow Open Zoo, about 45 minutes north of Pattaya).
Tel. 038-298 224/7
27 holes, par 72/36, 7077 yards
Designed by Pete Dye.
Green fee (visitors): 2,000 Baht (weekdays), 2,500 Baht (weekends)
This course with numerous large ponds, bunkers and hills surrounding the greens and fairways, catches a strong sea breeze and is a challenge both for amateur and professional players.

Laem Chabang International Golf Club
106/8 Moo 4, Laem Chabang (Sri Racha district), about 30 minutes north of Pattaya
Tel. 038-372 273.
27 holes, par 108
Designed by Jack Nicklaus.
Green fee (visitors): 3,000 Baht (weekdays), 3,500 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 350 Baht.
Regularly rated as one of Thailand's top golf courses, this world-standard championship course has hosted many professional tournaments. With its numerous bunkers and sand banks, water hazards and natural hazards, in the shape of exposed rock formations, lakes, ponds or creeks, this beautiful course seriously challenges anybody's playing skills.

Mountain Shadow Golf Club (Natural Park Hill)
159/1 Moo 2, Saensuk Road, Chonburi City district. Tel. 038-349 371/4
18 holes, par 72
Designed by Ronald Fream.
Green fee (visitors): 2,000 Baht (weekdays), 2,500 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 220 Baht.
Excellently maintained and effectively landscaped golf course with water hazards, dog-legs and island greens.

Noble Place Golf Club (Greenwood Golf & Resort)
88/8 Moo 6, Highway 331, Ban Bueng, Chonburi. Tel. 081-484-9069
27 holes, par 108
Designed by Peter W. Thompson.
Green fee (visitor): 750 Baht (weekdays), 1,500 Baht (weekends)
Caddy fee 200 Baht (18 holes), 100 Baht (9 holes)
Rated as one of the best courses in the Pattaya area.

Pattana Golf & Sport Club
99/89 Moo 9, Khaokhunsong, Sri Racha district.
Tel. 038-318 999.
27 holes, par 72, 73
Green fee (visitors): 1,200 Baht (weekdays), 1,800 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 250 Baht.
Opened only in 2004 and set in an impressive natural environment, the Pattana Golf And Sports Club is a grand resting place for golf and nature lovers, and features an abundance of sports and spa facilities, several restaurants and luxurious accommodation.

Pattaya Country Club & Resort
Highway 331 Km 30 (15 kilometres east of Pattaya)
Tel. 038-263 445/7.
18 holes, par 72
Green fee (visitors): 1,100 Baht (weekdays), 1,800 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 300 Baht.

Phoenix Golf & Country Club
Huay Yai, about 15 km southeast of Pattaya (follow Sukhumvit highway and watch out for the signboards). Tel. 038-239 391/6, 038-239 400
27 holes, par 108
Designed by Denis Griffiths.
Green fee (visitors): 2,000 Baht (weekdays), 2,500 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 250 Baht.
Beautifully landscaped with eucalyptus, bamboo and bushes and set on a wooden hilly terrain, this golf course provides some serious challenges even for experienced golfers (hole 17) and is generally rated as one of the best courses in the region.

Plutaluang Royal Thai Navy Golf Course
Plutaluang, Sattahip district, about 30 km southeast of Pattaya (follow Sukhumvit highway and take the shortcut to Rayong in "Che")
36 holes, par 72, 10169 yards
Green fee (visitors): 450 Baht (weekdays), 750 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 200 Baht.
Set amongst the green hills of Sattahip's lush countryside, this character course was designed by the Thai navy in 1969 and demands physical and mental skills as well as accurate play. Due to its reasonable prices, this is one of the region's most popular courses both with locals Thais and expats.

Siam Country Club
Soi Siam Country Club (off Sukhumvit Road, 15-minutes drive from Pattaya Klang)
Tel. 038-249 381/6.
18 holes, par 72, 7162 yards
Designed by I. Izumi, renovated by Lee Schmidt.
Green fee (visitors): 3,300 Baht (weekdays), 3,900 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 400 Baht.
Originally designed by I. Izumi and opened in 1971, this course has been completely renovated to international championship standards and was re-opened only in May 2007. This wonderfully landscaped golf course has hosted several international tournaments and is rated as one of the finest and toughest to play courses in the region.

Sri Racha International Golf Club
284-285 Moo 6, Sri Racha (north of Pattaya). Tel. 038-338 375/8
18 holes, par 72, 7019 yards
Designed by Gary Player.
Green fee (visitors): 1,500 Baht (weekdays), 1,800 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 200 Baht.
Located amidst the rolling green hills of Sri Racha's countryside, this Gary Player-designed course is relatively short with many par-fours and beautifully maintained greens and bunkers.

Treasure Hill Golf Club
222 Moo 7, Sri Racha district (north of Pattaya). Tel. 038-420 766
18 holes, par 72
Designed by Yoshikazu Kato.
Green fee (visitors): 900 Baht (weekdays), 1,200 Baht (weekends). Caddy fee 200 Baht.
Developed on a green hillside in a beautiful tropical scenery, this fast and difficult to play golf course offers challenging golf on rolling fairways and provides great value for money.

Young Navy Golf
Bang Saray, Sukhumvit Road (south of Pattaya)
9-hole golf course

Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Are the Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Spine? Nabumetone Really Helps!

What Are the Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Spine?

Osteoarthritis of the spine may cause stiffness or pain in the neck or back. It may also cause weakness or numbness in the legs or arms if it is severe enough to affect spinal nerves or the spinal cord itself. Usually, the back discomfort is relieved when the person is lying down (I have to lay down several hours every afternoon to relieve the pain).

Some people experience little interference with the activities of their lives. Others become more severely disabled.
In addition to the physical effects, a person with osteoarthritis might also experience social and emotional problems. For instance, a person with osteoarthritis that hinders daily activities and job performance might feel depressed or helpless.
This drug is really helping me: Nabumetone
User Rating:  
I've had back pain on and off for years. I'm a nurse and I am always hurting my back at work. When an urgent care Dr. prescribed nabumatone for my back, it worked better than any narcotics I've ever tried. It was amazing!
Relafen (nabumetone): Upon starting the use of Relafen I have had less pain in my lumbar area. I have 2 discs that are shot and the inflamation and swelling I endured is practically gone. I make sure I eat something with the medicine but even when I haven't this medication has not bothered my stomach at all. No other anti-inflammatory medication has ever given me this much releif. 
User Rating:  
I have suffered from osteoarthritis for roughly 8yrs now and am 35yrs old. My condition effects me through out both legs, feet, mid back going down to the base, right shoulder, parts of my collar bone, left forearm, right wrist and parts of both hand and fingers as well as left thumb. My GP has tried a number of different medicines which include diclofenac, ketoprofen, naproxen and one other. None of which ever helped and had bad reaction to the naproxen which caused really high blood pressure and pins and needles in both legs (sitting down or standing up). I was taken off that after being on it for 11 months and as of Monday gone (today being Thursday) I've been put on nabumetone 500mg slow. I'm sleeping like a baby and in less pain.
User Rating:  
Relafen (nabumetone): As a 36 year old male suffering from osteoarthritis,this drug has made a substantial difference in my quality of life. I was not sure how long I would be able to keep working, now that I am being treated with this drug, my quality of life has increased greatly. I am able to work without severe pain. A definite plus is I don't have to worry about a narcotic cloudiness to contain my pain. I can now play and walk outside with my children. I am afraid of the side effects, but so far so good. Recommend this to others who may benefit from its use.
User Rating:  
Relafen (nabumetone): What started out as a simple back strain/sprain at 19 yrs old has, over the years, evolved into an all encompassing condition leaving me with Multiple Sclerosis, handicapped and needing a walker for any mobility. Through the years I have been on NSAIDs which have proven time and again to be so helpful in relieving pain to where I was taking 3200 mg of ibuprofen/day. Finally given Relafen, which has saved my stomach from all the pain medicines and ibuprofen. Have never had a problem with Relafen (nabumetone) over the 7 yrs I've been on them, and they continue to be instrumental in relief from daily pains due to MS. A great product!
User Rating:  
Relafen (nabumetone): I have had chronic fatigue, facet joint syndrome, degeneration of parts of the spine as well as fibromyalgia and very severe osteoarthritis for over 10 years- I cannot take other OTC products because suprizingly they cause tummy upset. I have had no side effects, and my MD watches me closely.I am glad to have this medication work for me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sad Story of Diana Sands; Great Actress Who Died Too Soon

I became interested in the young lady that played the younger sister in the Sidney Poitier movie "Raisin in the Sun" (see the full movie here) Diana Sands and read all about her. She seemed so talented and wondered why I never heard of her. She was one of the first black actresses to break into big time Broadway theater and did a play with Alan Alda "The Owl & the Pussycat", and then did a movie with Bow Bridges called The Landlord and a several other films. Then she was going to do a film especially written for her as Hollywood begin to recognize her talent and got a rare form of cancer and died within a couple of months at age 39. Sands fell ill with leiomyosarcoma, a rare, malignant cancer of the soft muscles, at a time when her life seemed at its most vibrant. She was engaged to director Kurt Baker at the time and, because of her illness, she’d begun rehearsals for what would’ve been sure to be her breakout film performance, the lead role in Claudine, she worked on the film 1 day and could not continue. She was really beautiful and a great actress that died before her time, really sad story: The Death of Diana Sands:

See this site and scroll down for links to "Landlord"on youtube: