Sunday, December 25, 2011

Some Perspective Please for 2012

My Unexpected Perspective; Health Care Reform, Politics, Sarcasm, Self Righteousness

I have no allegiance to either party in America, but want to find solutions to fix the system. I'm interested in lowering defense spending, training people to be doctors, nurses, teachers or entrepreneurs instead of soldiers. Creating jobs, taking care of our old people, reasonably priced health insurance, trying to fix or reform or social systems. Getting rid of greedy corrupt politicians and corrupt corporate leaders that seem to be ubiquitous now days.

I was never really a politically active person, but once the health insurance reform (or health care reform) debate starting taking off with the 2008 elections, that really got my attention. One of the main reasons I left the US was the high cost of medical insurance. As a self employed person, my medical insurance costs just kept going up and up every year. To the point where I had to decide whether to start depleting my savings, go without coverage or find a better option. Finally I decided I had no better choice (given my job prospects after my business slowed and being over 50) so, I moved to Thailand in Jan of 2006. The medical and dental here is 1/4 the cost as the US and very good quality care. Plus the cost of living is low and I don't need a car with excellent public transportation (so no auto insurance or car payments either). As a US citizen living in Thailand for almost 5 years, It dawned on me a couple of years ago, I realized some unexpected benefit of perspective (not say it's the correct or right perspective, but some perspective).

In these 5 years, I've watched American politics from afar on this health insurance reform debate and all the major issues, through my perspective here and discussions with many international expat friends here, I continue to be in shock and embarrassed how our country has become totally polarized and the venomous attitudes between the two parties, which is common place now. I thought we were the "United" States of America and now it seems, we have become the "Angry Hateful Revengeful States of America". The "I got mine too bad for you" States of America, the "Polarized States of America." 

Instead of trying to create, now we are destroying our self's. Instead of creating goodwill towards men (and women), we have hatred and contempt for those with other religious, social or political ideas. No empathy, tolerance or even attempts at understanding someone else's point of view, only self righteousness creating polarization (internally and internationally)

This polarization manifests itself through sarcastic, hateful, angry political and social commentary that perpetuates the problem. This kind commentary is a means of judging and belittling others, how is this going to move things forward? This kind of venomous hateful thinking serves no higher purpose; it builds no one up. Is it possible to really move forward as civilized human beings as long as we continue to operate from a position of superiority, self righteousness, "every man for himself", anger and hate, justifying this archaic way of thinking? I think not...


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