Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Improve the Economy; Stop Fighting and Focus on Solutions

There are not enough jobs that pay above the poverty line now, many ex middle class people are turning into the the new poor lower class. The banks won't loan money to people that want to start a small business, and you need a $500,000 net worth just to start a Papa John Pizza franchise or similar types of businesses, which is out of reach for most people. So it's almost impossible to start a small business now a days. Most Republicans who have good jobs and good nest eggs worry about the national debt, higher taxes and the growing numbers on welfare and food stamps, the growing lower classes worry about survival and how they're going pay for housing, food and medical care without a good job. What we should do is work together, instead of spending so much on defense, we should spend more to improve education so we have people that can innovate and help create new industries/technologies, and train people to be doctors and nurses through free government schools/clinics/hospitals to bring down health care costs. And instead of giving all this money to banks, invest it in creating businesses, jobs and education that will benefit us as a civilization, instead worrying about who is going to pay for entitlements. If we invest in the people and teach them to be productive, we won't have so many that need government assistance eventually. We have the resources and intelligence to create a world where no one has to go hungry and everyone has access to medical care, housing and a good job if we work together and focus on solutions instead of fighting each other.

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